
Nick Johnston Interview

Nick Johnston is one of our modern Guitar God's. Live with his Strato he's taking you on a Trip to show you a whole new World, it's so stunning that you can't look away because you don't want to miss a second of it. But not only his performance is stunning also his Personality, when you talk to him, you kinda have the feeling you know that guy since your childhood. He was so kind to take time for a Interview with us so you can see a bit behind that remarkably Person. 


Since when do you play the Guitar?
Half of my lifetime, I startet when I was 14 years old. My Dad bought me my first acoustic guitar then.

What was the main reason for you to start?
I had this neighbour, we went together in highschool and he was much older then me, he always played some Led Zeppelin stuff on the guitar, I thought it's so cool I also want to do that, besides that my dad was also always into rock music.

Which Bands inspired you the most in you career?
There are so many I guess I could talk for days about them...like Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Rush and the strange thing is, as a kid I always had a thing for Metallica because I was kinda afraid but also fascinated from them it was always like a strange fascination.

What Bands could you always here can your name your favorits?
Metallica, Rush, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Queen.... there are so many, it would take days to remember each one.

Could you name a song you love that nobody would imagine a guy like you listen to it?
That‘s hard but that Song from that One direction guy...Harry Styles "two ghosts" is pretty good.

What is your favorite Song of yourself?
Remarkably Human. The song has so much meaning to me, it remembers me of where i started and where i'm now, just like..What a human and a piece of wood can do together that's just remakeble.

What was the weirdest thing that happened to you on Tour?
That was on a Show in China, I was on the stage and everything was normal, the crowd and I had a good time and just minutes later the people started throwing stuff on the stage and fighthing each other, I didn‘t know if I should go off the stage or not.. Then the police came in and everything was "normal" again, I mean they just stayed there. It was so irritating..I just finished the show and asked after what happend, it was so strange. Then I heard that a man wanted to go forward to the stage to see more, so he threw something and accidentally hit someone in the head and then the whole fight started. It was really strange at the end, when the police came everyone was just standing there smiling and clapping like robots.

What was the best thing about China?
The Chinese Food was awesome!

How do you feel about beeing on tour?
I love to meet different people and see diffrent Cities. It' s a lot of fun but also pretty dirty and exhausting especially when you're ill to be honest but the worst thing is when you come home from beeing on tour and you kinda stuck in that routine where you always have something to do in a rush and then you got no plan what to do when your back home.

Do you have a Message to your Fans out there?
I put so much love and hard work to live my dream, so I wanna thank all people who supported me with.. Like going to my concerts, buy the merch, show my music to other people and also loving it as much as I do. It means the world to me because this makes everything possible. So i just have to say, thank you so much for your support.

